Subject to paperwork being completed on time, Sam will go straight into the Sports’ first team squad, who welcome Slough Town on Saturday for a National South fixture.
“We are thrilled to bits to have Sam on board,” commented Borough manager Danny Bloor. “I know that he is highly regarded at The Valley, and we are massively grateful to the Charlton Athletic management for making this possible.”
Sam usually plays at left back, and his arrival at the Lane could well fill the gap created by a hamstring injury to Kai Innocent last Saturday. He trained with his new teammates on Thursday night. “It’s ironic that Kai has been an ever present this season, but a problem confronted is a problem solved,” said Danny. “Our club’s record in bringing in loan players speaks for itself, and as always it works to everyone’s advantage. We have a cracking game in prospect against Slough Town, and I know Sam can be sure of a huge welcome from the home fans!”
Welcome, Sam!