This Saturday our Community Manager is hoping to complete the annual ‘Hever Castle Commando Race’ with his three sons – the only event that can recreate the mud, sweat and pain of modern day Royal Marines Commando training!

Think mud runs and epic cargo climbs, tunnels and tubes, stretcher manoeuvres and river crosses, slippery slopes and dramatic drops, planks and pools. Tim will be following in the footsteps of his late father who was in 42 Commando whilst also trying to raise valuable funds for Eastbourne Borough’s chosen charity this year – ‘You Raise Me Up.’ Their amazing team offer emotional & mental health support to families that have lost a young adult between the ages of 16 & 25.

On average it costs the charity £5000 to support a bereaved family for 1 year. They are entirely funded through charitable donations and fund raising events so any money you can give would be hugely appreciated.

To sponsor Tim, please visit the following link and donate what you can for this amazing cause!