Eastbourne Borough are delighted to be supporting More Radio’s Toy Appeal campaign for 2023.

Last year, with your help and generosity, they delivered Christmas presents to over 8,000 children across Sussex who may otherwise have gone without.

And this year, they want to do it all over again as the Toy Appeal reaches its tenth year.

Once again, they will make sure that less fortunate children across the County get a Christmas to remember. And this year, we’re going to need your help more than ever.

Shockingly, almost a third of children in Sussex are still classed as living in poverty and most of them are not expecting a visit from Santa this year.

More and more families are struggling to make ends meet, a situation made so much worse by the continuing cost of living crisis.

But we at Eastbourne Borough want to help make it a Happy Christmas for everyone living across Sussex this year.

Borough Community Manager Tim Brown said: “We are so proud to be sponsoring the Toy Appeal. It’s an opportunity for us as a club to give back to members of our community who are less fortunate.

“Many of us always look forward to Christmas, whether it’s being with friends and family, the receiving and giving of presents etc. But for lots people this sadly is not the case.

“As a community we will get behind this and we are determined to play our part in supporting this amazing cause.”

More Radio are looking for donations of toys and games for children and teenagers across the County. They work with numerous charities and organisations across East & West Sussex such as food banks, domestic abuse refuges and children’s hospices to ensure donations reach the children in need.

The provide toys and gifts for children for all ages and abilities from 0-18 so anything goes!

There are only two rules:


You can drop off your gift here inside the clubhouse at Priory Lane where it will be collected and delivered in time for Christmas to one of the many local charities and hospitals they support.

This year, the appeal runs from Monday 13 November – Sunday 10 December, so please give what you can.

If you have any questions, please e-mail toyappeal@moreradio.online

Thank you for your generosity.