Eastbourne Borough FC recently held an awards morning at Priory Lane for year 8 and year 9 students from Willingdon Community Secondary School.

As part of Borough in the Community’s ‘School Onside Programme’ seventeen pupils took part in the club’s welfare intervention scheme that ran for ten weeks.

Run by Club Community Manager Tim Brown at the school, students were taught how to improve their decision making, enhance their reputation, find their superpower, find their ‘why,’ and make better life choices.

With regular guest speakers attending from the club including the Commercial Manager, Data Analyst and Head of Recruitment, the school supplied Tim with regular data showing a significant improvement in the overall behaviour and achievement of the pupils.

This culminated in nearly all of the students recently celebrating their achievements with a visit to Eastbourne Borough FC where they were given a motivational talk by CEO Alan Williams, a stadium tour and training session with the players.

Community Manager Tim Brown was full of praise for how well the students had engaged with the programme. He said: “These boys have shown an excellent attitude and commitment to our School Onside Scheme and have shown that by making the right decisions they can be super proud of themselves.”

Tom Cain, Head of Year 8 at Willingdon School was also delighted with his students, saying: “These boys have applied themselves brilliantly to the programme and delivered some impressive results.

“The aim now is for them to keep using the reasons and strategies they have learned as they progress through their education.”