Admission Prices
Details of admission prices for matches at Priory Lane during 2024/25

First Team Matchday Admission Prices
Adult – £18
Concession – £12
Student (ID required) – £6
First Team Pre-Matchday Admission Prices
Adult – £15
Concession – £10
Student – £5
U12 – Free with a paying adult
Payment at the gate via cash or card (preferred), or buy a ticket online, in advance.
Attending a game with a Carer.
If you are looking to purchase a ticket with an accompanying carer ticket, our policy states that the carer ticket will be free of charge. A ticket can be purchased online to take advantage of the saver period pricing but the carer ticket can only be obtained from the ticket office in person. To qualify you will need to provide one of the following pieces of supporting documentation:
– A statement of higher rate mobility, or the higher rate care component of Disability Living Allowance (DLA)
– Severe Disablement Allowance or Attendance Allowance
– Personal Independence Payment (PIP) – Standard or Enhanced rate Mobility component, or Enhanced rate Daily Living component
– Registration document which certifies that you are Registered Blind or Partially Sighted
– Veterans Agency letter confirming War Disablement Pension
Concession price is available to those aged 65+, Serving NHS, Serving Armed Forces, Registered Disabled, Serving Emergency Services. Proof may be required to be shown.