Time is running out to book your place on our latest soccer school starting on Tuesday the 30th of May .........
Club chairman Dave Blackmore and his fellow directors called an Extraordinary General Meeting of its CIC shareholders to announce that the club has accepted, in principle, an offer by a major outside investor for the purchase of Eastbourne...
Following an EGM held on Friday 5th May 2023 The Board of Directors are pleased to make the following announcement.....
The directors of Eastbourne Borough Football Club CIC would like to announce that an Extra Ordinary Meeting will be taking place on Friday the 5th May at 6pm.
Two Eastbourne Borough fans will walk out at Wembley as mascots for the Emirates FA Cup final…
Following the friendly on Tuesday night against Dorking Wanderers, Danny was quick to act and has boosted his squad for the final push for the play offs….
Borough Community Trust, the community arm of Eastbourne Borough Football Club are pleased to announce the appointment of Teddy Bloor as our community officer as we relaunch our community offering.
Get your footy FREE this Tuesday as Borough face Dorking Wanderers in a mid season friendly Match.....